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World Hydrogen Fuelcells

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This online conference examined the major innovations around fuel cell technologies both from the different platforms (alkaline, PEM, solid fuel) to production, manufacturing, components and materials. The event looked at both fuel cells for mobile applications and also for opportunities in static storage and applications such as buildings.

Learn from fuel cell experts leading the pace of change by purchasing the event recordings & presentation slides.


View the event recordings & presentations to see the below panels and presentations.

10.30 - 11.15 CEST

Standalone Presentation: Exploring China’s Single-stack Air-cooled Fuel Cell Market

  • Exploring fuel cell opportunities in China’s light-duty vehicle and telecom power industries

  • Discovering Nekson Power’s journey from 50 W to 200 kW stacks

  • Revealing the latest insights for single-stack air-cooled markets

Hou Xiangli, Chief Technology Officer, Nekson Power

11.15 - 12.00 CEST

Standalone Presentation: FCEV Heavy Duty Trucks in China: Designs and Roll-outs

  • Discovering fuel cell design optimisation for heavy-duty vehicles

  • Exploring roll-out strategies in China

  • Understanding technical air-cooled and water-cooled systems

Xiao Li, Chief Technology Officer, Troowin Fuel Cells

12.00 - 13.00 CEST

Panel: Fuel Cell Technology Innovations

  • What are the latest materials and optimised engineering innovations. Are they commercially feasible?

  • Debating the market readiness and potential of different fuel cell technologies

  • Discovering which technologies are seeing the greatest efficiency gains

  • How can we accelerate and scale development and deployment?

Laurent Antoni, Hydrogen Public Affairs Manager, CEA

Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director, FCH-JU
Rami Reshef, CEO, GenCell
Gema Sevilla, Expert Researcher, Spanish National Hydrogen Centre (CNH2)
Patric Stafshede, CEO, Celcibus

13.00 - 14.00 CEST

Virtual Networking

14.00 - 14.30 CEST

Case Study: On Tracks to COP26 on Scotland’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell Train

  • Marrying fuel cell integration, rail engineering and functional safety

  • Exploring the fuel cell technology and building whole system safety into the programme

  • Revealing the 10-month roadmap for rolling out this powertrain: Tips for reducing time

    and costs

  • Ensuring the fuel cell technology meets safety and compliance requirements

  • Education & wider awareness of hydrogen fuel cell benefits in the lead up to COP26

Richard Kemp-Harper, Senior Representative, Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association

14.30 - 15.00 CEST

The Business Case for Heavy-Duty Fuel Cell Trucks

  • Exploring which market segments fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) will be able to compete vs. alternatives

  • Analysing the technical benefits and challenges to bring FCEVs to market

  • Evaluating CAPEX and OPEX for Fuel Cell Trucks: how can hydrogen make an attractive business proposition?

  • Finding synergies with the wider eco-system: Industrial needs and transport modes

  • Policy actions needed for fuel cell vehicles to be attractive

Reine Alemar, Director Transport Development, Volvo AB

15.00 - 16.00 CEST

Panel: Future Markets for Hydrogen Fuel Cells

  • Exploring where the greatest opportunities for fuel cell applications lie

  • How is the fuel cell mobility market evolving and scaling as a result of the hydrogen hype?

  • Evaluating their role as backup power and opportunities in hydrogen gas grids

  • Debating whether fuel cells can compete with lithium-ion batteries


Dr. Ulises Cano-Castillo, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Electricity and Clean Energies Mexico (INEEL)

William Zobel, Executive Director, Californian Hydrogen Business Council
Fleur Graper-van Koolwijk, Regional Minister, Province of Groningen
Benedikt Unger, Principal, AFRY
Mark Kirby, CEO, Canadian Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Association CHFCA
Dennis Hayter, Vice President, Business Development, Intelligent Energy

16.00 - 16.30 CEST

Pre-recorded: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Commercialization in the U.S. and California

  • Launching California’s retail hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market: Plans, progress and pathways

  • Leveraging public-private partnerships

  • Developing a policy environment that fosters private investment needed to achieve scale

  • Building consumer interest, meeting demand and achieving parity with traditional technologies

Bill Elrick, Executive Director, California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaPFC)

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